RAP COMMUNITY PARTNERS 2019 Please click on any of the topic listed below and click the browser back arrow to go back to this page:
Healthy School Environment:
The Healthy School Action Tool (HSAT) is Michigan's preferred school health assessment tool. Its use is designed to help schools plan and make health related environmental changes so that it then becomes easier for students to make healthy lifestyle choices and changes such as healthy food choices, to be more physically active and to choose a tobacco-free lifestyle. Utilizing the HSAT allows schools to identify strengths, areas of need and to develop a realistic action plan for positive change. http://www.mihealthtools.org
Action for Healthy Kids- (AFHK): "Take action" for children's nutrition and fitness, tools for healthy school environments, resources and contacts. http://www.actionforhealthykids.org Michigan Model School Health: "Michigan Model" curriculum facilitates interdisciplinary learning through lessons which integrate health education into other curricula, including language arts, social studies, science, math, and art. www.emc.cmich.edu/mm We Can!(Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutition): A national public education program for 8-13 year olds that provides information and activities that encourage improved nutritional choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time to assist in prevention of overweight and obesity. http://wecan.nhlbi.nih.gov National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality:Accerlerating Improvement in Childhood Obesity is one of their initiatives. Excellent national models addressing overweight childrenthat are evidenced based are available. www.nichq.org
TEAM Nutrition-National: US Department of Agriculture Resource Library: contains a comprehensive listing of all resources available through Team Nutrition. For easy reference, for: Foodservice, Educators, Parents, and Child Care Providers. http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn National Nutrition Month: American Dietetic Association focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices, developing sound eating, and physical activity habits. www.eatright.org Alliance for A Healthier Generation is a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation working nationally to create awareness and real solutions for overweight children. Features include Go Healthy Challenge for Children, Healthy School Products Calculator, and tips and tools to empower parents to help their children make healthier choices. www.HealthierGeneration.org Kid's Health: Created by the Nemours Foundation it is the most visited site visited regarding kid's health . There is a parent, kid and teen site with incredible information and fun, interactive programs. This is a wonderful site for our school health teams, physical education teachers, teachers, and parents! www.kidshealth.org A website for the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council of Michigan. These non-profit organizations provide dairy product promotion and nutrition education services. Great dairy recipes, health professional resources, download resources & My Plate materials are available on this site. www.udim.org Creative ideas that have been successfully implemented in schools to promote healthy food at school. www.healthyschoolfood.org
A website that encourages young people to take action to improve nutrtion and physical activity at school and home. www.FuelUptoPlay60.com This website was created from the initiative to combat childhood obesity that First Lady, Michelle Obama developed. www.letsmove.gov
Excellent information for students, parents and staff on nutrition and fitness. www.letsgo.org
Physical Fitness:
Governor's Council on Physical Fitness, Health & Sports/Michigan Fitness Foundation: This site provides information on the All Children Exercising Simultaneously, (ACES), "Walk-To-School Day," and other information to plan physical activities. This site also offers parents brochures, stickers for students and more. www.michiganfitness.org American Heart Association: Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart-This site promotes the value of physical activity to elementary students and middle school students. The Heart Power curriculum, (Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Tobacco Free living) may be found on this site, also. www.americanheart.org Generation Fit: Students ages 11-18 take part in community service projects that promote physical activity and healthier eating among their friends and families, and in their schools and community. www.cancer.org BAM (Body and Mind) focuses on important topics like stress and physical fitness for ages 9-13. Created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. www.bam.gov A website that encourages young people to take action to improve nutrtion and physical activity at school and home. www.FuelUptoPlay60.com This site has information about the initiative to combat childhood obesity that the First Lady, Michelle Obama developed. www.letsmove.gov
Sun Safety:
Henry the Hand: A darling program to teach lower elementary students information on germs and handwashing. www.henrythehand.com
Bullying Prevention:
A yearly national campaign which takes place the third week of January to help reduce bullying in schools. Registered scholls receive free anti-bullying resources throughout the year & tips to plan an event for no-name calling week. www.nonamecallingweek.org Stop Bullying Now is an oustanding website for students, parents and school staff that can be implemented in schools to reduce/prevent bullying. www.stopbullyingnow.com Know Resolve is a website that addresses suicide prevention and promotes self-esteem through monthly newsletter and community events. www.knowresolve.org
Parenting Resources:
A pediatrician's guide to your child's health & safety with a health library, parenting tips, useful tools, ask the pediatrician, sympton guide, medicine cabinet information, first aid, immunization information, common pediatric problems and a free customized age appropriate newsletter for your child. www.kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/ An excellent website to gain information on keeping your family healthy sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan www.ahealthiermichigan.org
Has great information to conserve the environment. www.epa.gov
A website to help plan safe routes to school so that students can be encouraged to walk or bike to school. www.saferoutesmichigan.org
Prevention and treatment of diabetes with emphasis on the importance of exercise. www.diabetes.org